About Us

Hi, my name is Maisie! Ever since I can remember I have loved all animals and am finally pursuing a dream with a career with them! No matter the service I take the time and care with each animal and treat them how I would want my girls treated.  I’m Walks and Wags pet first aid Certified and have done a course with beta dog training for behavior modification! Before doing personalized pet care I was heavily involved with rescues and was a coordinator for a pet therapy group where I learned all about dog body language and started to really understand my pets more. I am dedicated to learning R+ training methods and look forward to furthering my education within force free training soon. 

After having my own rescue dogs Angel and Lacey, I always struggled with being able to leave them in someone else's care after hearing so many doggy day care stories. Both of the girls didn't have the best upbringing in breeding settings, and I never wanted anyone to ever get the chance to treat them badly or have them freaked out again. I always felt more comfort in leaving them with a trusted friend in a home setting that I knew would let them sleep on the furniture and take the extra time to help Lacey if needed. Now I pride myself on giving the same care to others and their dogs while they are away!

I am a single woman team so no matter the service it will always be my friendly face on the other end! though I can't thank my grandma, step dad, and Heathyr enough for teaching me how to sew and run a business. Some of the fabric I will be using in the christmas season will be from my grandma's vast collection that was passed down to me. I can't wait to share it with you!



special thanks to another Edmonton local, Peak Paper Co, for these

gorgeous portraits of my girls 


Meet the CEO's

Sometimes your animals may have to meet mine depending on the service so here is a brief intro on the reasons behind my business 

The Current Squad


Celeste, the new protector of the squad. She spends her time chasing the ball, throwing around toys, and finding the good smells! I have had her since she was 14 weeks old and was born Dec 2021! She brings so much light and happiness to my world that was so bleak after Angel passed and I can’t thank her enough for that. She is a Karelian Bear dog and training her has been a phenomenal challenge and sparked me seeking out more training techniques such as behavior modification training! We have been trying out some sports lately, she currently holds the number 1 spots in her breed in both flyball and dock diving!

Clover, the new cavalier of the crew! This spunky little lady was born August 8 2023 joined us in October of 2023! She spends her time annoying her big sister and snuggling up to anyone who is sitting down. She has been learning so many things and recently has been enjoying disc. For now she has another year of dabbling while she grows but she enjoys playing with each pup that comes through our door and frequents markets with me just like Lacey did. 




Luna, The tiniest queen bee, though she be little she still rules our hive.  Luna

was initially nursed back to health from a severe respiratory infection and lives with a mild heart murmur. Now she can be found ripping around the house finding her way into trouble or annoying her sisters just enough, she keeps us on our toes, and always laughing.


Lexie, the gentlest soul, Saved from a farm this sweet little lady now enjoys

showing off her tricks, high five and sit, or she loved trying to get Angel to love her half as much as she loved Angel. Lexie is knows for flopping down infront of your current path for a nice belly rub, watching movies, and loving toys. Shes got lazer sharp eyes ready to catch any bug and watch all the birds. 


 Our Rainbow Bridge Stories

My first ever pup was my little Lacey. back in 2017 a lady came in to the pet store I was working at complaining about a old breeding dog that she no longer had use for and a week later Lacey and I were staring at each other not knowing what an adventure we were in for. She was absolutely terrified of the world and people after not having much experience with them in her past six years. Lacey thrived around dogs but forever was nervous around people. She is my main reason for advocating for not only ethical breeding but also seeing what breeders do with their old pups before considering a new one from them. She never ended up being very snuggly other than with her select few favorites but could always be won over by a snack. She taught me how to be patient and let a dog come around to me instead of rushing it. She was perfectly stubborn for her entire life and will forever be my heart dog.

Lacey 2011-2024


Angel was brought in as backup for me after Lacey refused to exist without another dog around. I was browsing rescue sites when I came across her profile which had the exact same story as Lacey; six years spent breeding, left outside year round, and never knew human kindness. Her story differs as she clung to human affection after instead of cowering from it. I adopted her two weeks after Lacey came home and three months later we started our pet therapy journey with CAAWLS. She loved visiting the universities but her favorite visits were always the senior living homes. She was an amazing protector for a young lady living alone in Edmonton and she kept my social calendar full with her favorite strolls. She taught me how to be a good dog mom and will forever be missed 

Angel 2011-2022